Friday, March 27, 2009

Action Painting.

One of my favorite artists is Jackson Pollock, which brings me to today's post.

My wife and I were looking for artwork to put up in the bedroom. Being the creative person I am, I said, "Let's paint something!" The easiest, and by far the funnest, type of painting is action painting a la Jackson Pollock. We had some leftover paint and put it to good use. After a few hours of work (mostly waiting for paint to dry), we had the above beauty. I strongly recommend everyone try this. Every painting will be different and yours, like ours, will be tailored to compliment the color of your room (if you use the leftover paint).

I'm in the process of creating other original masterpieces and when I finish them, I will post them up too. Stay tuned, folks!

p.s. Visit the Jackson Pollock web site for chance to create your own Jackson Pollock inspired drawing.


Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Nice painting, good for you for being creative.

Logo Guy said...

Thank you for your kind words and thank you for being the first to post on my blog. YAY!